KCHUNG 1630AM – Friday 13th Episode!

KCHUNG 1630AM broadcasting from beautiful Chinatown, Los Angeles, invited me to play in their studio, Friday the 13th. This was the 5th time I’ve done an Inspirado Projecto radio show there, yet the first time I was by myself. Brian D’vil, Jamie-lee Wise, Alec Smart and/or Phil Donlon have been my co-hosts in previous episodes. Having others to bounce ideas off of, with the luxury of setting up the next tracks while someone else is talking, helps in creating a smooth show. It was a fun challenge to juggle songs and talk at the same time. The joy of live broadcasting allows for any number of surprises to enter into the experience. David Lynch refers to these as ‘Happy Accidents‘ and in fact, looks forward to them. Allowing for the possibility of Happy Accidents and making peace with the idea that you’ll be just fine improvising along with them as they happen, gives you the truest sense of knowing you have your own back. It also is an indicator of just how open we are to accepting new experiences and a symbol of how deft we are at creating lemon trees from lemonade.

Without furthur soliloquy, I give thee Inspirado Projecto Radio!!!


Thank you Jason Karr for this amazing giff!