Black Pumpkin


This 4-16-2018 episode of Inspirado Projecto takes place with CEC, conjuring up his best in the KCHUNG Studio to broadcast live simultaneously on 1630AM and Periscope . We play a unique soundscape journey by Sound X, Fun Facts by Henry D. Horse, and a new Celebrity Afterlife Report Podcast with information about all of your favourite deceased celebrities! Also played, are a whole slew of my own riffs, ideas and songs recorded through the years. Many of the songs are collaborated on with Lawrence August (one of which, includes an OKGO remix).

Did you know Inspirado Projecto is now a podcast and can be subscribed to/found on iTunes?

You can click on the Mixcloud link below to hear the audio archive of what originally broadcasted via KCHUNG Radio Antennae!

Especial Exacto 4-2-2018


This episode of Inspirado Projecto is concocted while flying solo in the KCHUNG Studio. We played an experimental sound collage by Nitroglycerine Pep Club, Rodriguez, Fun Facts by Henry D. Horse, an imperative public service announcement by PSY-CORP, a folk song by Matt Steady, a wonderfully informative bicycle education soundbite from Alec Smart from Don’t Feed the Animals, an extraordinary time travel experience by George W. Johnson,  a series of riffs/ideas recorded into a phone, a unique soundscape by LauraP5, cosmic-based music by Jason Karr, the latest gossip from the Celebrity Afterlife Medium about all of your favourite dead celebrities, one of my Brother Josh’s favourite songs of all time, a song written and performed by Stew Strauss (Woodsman from Twin Peaks), a surprising song from the new Ash Vs Evil Dead tv show, a special rendition of popular favourite by Molly and Spiker, a futuristic dance-o-rama classic by Damas, a super multi-funktacular jazz-sterpiece by Swells, and a fun Americana song by Ken4Strings.  Also, listen for a very special improvised version of “Sweet Home Chicago” recorded at soundcheck before the Hollywood Cares Celebrity Poker Tournament at the Avalon with Peter Beckett (“Baby Come Back”) on guitar, Elliot Lurie (“Brandy, You’re a Fine Girl”) on guitar. Thomas Gardner (from Yachtley Crew) on guitar, Paul Pate (from Yachtley Crew) on saxophone, and me (from Yachtley Crew) on vocals.

Did you know Inspirado Projecto is now also a podcast available for subscription on iTunes? It happens more frequently with more sloppiness.

We also played simultaneously on Periscope in a visual format.

Below you can click on the audio archive from KCHUNG 1630am, to hear it on Mixcloud.