5-21-2018 Noise Nutrition


In the KCHUNG 1630am Radio Studio, we welcome Mike Schlie and Brian D’vil, a unique combination of creators indeed.

Mike and I met on the set of “Black Pumpkin”, while we worked as Set Decorators.  Through a week and a half of collaborating with him, I’ve learned he is an Engineer, Life Coach, Author, Alchemist, Teacher, Screenwriter, Inventor, Artist, and Mayor of San Pedro, who investigated health and how nutrition affects the organs and mentality of humans. He was led down a rabbithole in finding alternative methods to eliminate our top diseases and ailments with natural cures.

His book, “The Infinity Diet”, is on AMAZON contains exciting and healthy food discoveries!

Brian and I met when I attended one of his Legendary Eclectic Egress Fests a few years ago. He wears many disguises, some of which are: DJ, Event Organizer, Sound Designer, Music Video Maker, Noise Musician, Album Designer, and Professor of Los Angeles Art Happenings. His upcoming event at SunSpace, Noisy Industries, is sure to knock your socks off, 6-2-2018!

This episode, “Noise Nutrition”, we present some Fun Facts by Henry D. Horse, played a very very rare Oingo Boingo song, presented a Brian D’vil classic, talked about Yachtley Crew news, spun one of Mike’s unique requests by B52’s, and… invented a brand new music genre which will soon sweep the nation! We also broadcasted LIVE on Periscope which can be VIEWED HERE!

It was an original experience, to be able to collaborate with these two artistic explorers of knowledge! They shall be back in the studio again before we know it!

Thank you to Captain Nicholas for piloting the Inspirado Projecto Spaceship and capturing the actual audio archive of our KCHUNG 1630am Inspirado Projecto Radio Show!!! CLICK the PLAY button BELOW, to hear it!


Virtual 5-7-2018


This 5-7-2018 episode of Inspirado Projecto, “Virtual”,  features a couple of very interesting folks:

Orly RodriguezOrly Rodriguez joins us via Skype from Florida, currently cobbling together a virtual reality experience based in the world  and characters of Twin Peaks, called “The Archivist.” Orly is additionally making another VR game called, “The Question” (one of the characters, “The Guide”, is voiced by yours truly), which is more cosmic-oriented and Twilight Zone-inspired. You can find the Official Facebook page HERE!

20476471_10213335407330560_4233205655509824379_nAnother gent Skyping in,  is Standup Comedian (and longtime improv-collaborator since High School), Jason McNeil, from the Chicagoland area. McNeil’s performances are not limited to stages within traditional venues. He plays on all size stages such as: living rooms, basements, meeting rooms, sidewalks, and other unexpected locations. “Hilaritygram”, his door-to-door comedy business, is perfect for any kind of celebration and can be ordered all over the Chi-town regions! He also voices a couple characters for “The Archivist”. One of those, is the narrator featured in the extraordinary trailer below!

These are some screenshots of familiar locations/characters from the extraordinary world of “The Archivist”.  Also included is a photo of when Jason and I appeared in our first play together in High School, “Golden Boy”. The pics of the bald character in front of the door/purple backgrounds, is “The Guide” from Orly’s other VR, “The Question”.

In this episode, we also featured several unique selections from Brian D’vil (one of our original co-hosts of Inspirado Projecto and Curiosa Obscura on KCHUNG 1630am), Worldland (another one of P.Q. Ribber‘s many side projects), Bukket (Joe McGaha‘s band), Funfacts by Henry D. Horse, and a selection from Man Behind The Machine!

If you’d like to watch this episode unfold in a video version of the broadcast, you can check out our archived Periscope version HERE!.

The audio version that played on KCHUNG 5-7-2018, can be HEARD HERE!

Did you know Inspirado Projecto Podcast can now be subscribed to on iTunes?

Its also available through many various podcast apps AND now its feeding through Mixcloud!

You are invited to send your audioscapes to: inspiradoprojecto (at) gmail for inclusion on both the radio show AND podcast!